Fundraising to cover healthcare?

A friend of mine has a good friend who has skyrocketing healthcare costs because of a catastrophic illness. She’s hosting fundraising events to help her out, but even those will only help so much. In the end, her friend will be left with tens of thousands of dollars in bills to be paid. The sad…

The coverage many never consider

Most people know about life insurance, and we all have to have health insurance, car insurance, home owners or renters insurance and all of that, but what about insuring your income? Many people don’t consider insuring income for those times when they have to take time off work because of an illness or injury and the sick or personal…

Peace of mind to help keep employees focused

“We’re a small company with only a handful of employees. We can’t afford to provide them benefits, but we’d like to offer them something. What can we do?” At Work Advantage is perfect for situations like yours. There is no cost to you as the employer, but the Voluntary Benefits provide a portfolio of insurances…

Hospital bills can threaten your financial health

All it took was a few hours in the emergency department, a chest x-ray and three days as an in-patient with IV antibiotics and steroids to blow my budget out of the water. The deductibles and co-pays for that trip to the hospital took nearly a year to pay off, and several times I received…

Be prepared for when accidents happen

It’s the start of little league baseball season, and time to start those DIY home improvement projects. Things are starting to happen in the great out-of-doors as the temperatures start to rise. With those outdoor activities come a lot more opportunities for the unexpected trip to the emergency room. No one likes to think it…

Want to take control of your healthcare spending?

Although Monday is the deadline to enroll in a healthcare plan, there are still many people unsure of what to do. High deductible/low premium or low deductible/high premium plans have some of us confused. And, then there are the plans that seem to fit, but then have hidden costs, like a deductible for prescriptions that…

My insurance didn’t cover everything

That’s the problem with most insurance programs. They don’t cover everything. With employee sponsored health insurance programs, there are either high deductibles and lower co-pays, or lower deductibles with higher co-pays. There are often few or no options for employer sponsored critical illness, accident or long term disability; and what if you are hospitalized? The…