Why CI? (Critical Illness Insurance)

What if you were diagnosed with cancer tomorrow? How would your life change? Now I know that things like cancer don’t happen to people like you and I. They only happen to celebrities like Christina Applegate, Lance Armstrong, Sheryl Crow, or my friend, Pam, who was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this week. Cancer is not fun…

Healthcare: Alternatives to the Affordable Care Act

Were you aware that you can get healthcare insurance outside of the ACA healthcare marketplace? One of the more popular routes people go through is an insurance agent or broker. Through them you can get assistance in finding the right plan to suits your needs, like short-term medical, accident, critical illness, or telemedicine. If going…

Fundraising to cover healthcare?

A friend of mine has a good friend who has skyrocketing healthcare costs because of a catastrophic illness. She’s hosting fundraising events to help her out, but even those will only help so much. In the end, her friend will be left with tens of thousands of dollars in bills to be paid. The sad…

Life insurance for the living

So often when we purchase life insurance, whether Term Life, Whole Life or Guaranteed Universal Life, the first thing we think of is who will benefit from it; those we leave behind. We seldom think about using life insurance while we’re living. The reality is there are many reasons to use it during our lifetimes.…

Life threatening not life ending

It was hard not to watch as they hugged and cried tears of joy. I sat across the isle in a restaurant drinking my coffee. They appeared to be sisters by resemblance, and were apparently just given a reprieve from what they had thought would be a final separation. I couldn’t help but overhear the…

What are the chances?

“This whole insurance thing is just a way to separate me from my paycheck. The chances of me being disabled or having a critical illness are pretty slim, right?” There are a lot of people who think that way, but the answer isn’t a simple yes or no.  Critical illness can strike anyone as well.…