The coverage many never consider

Most people know about life insurance, and we all have to have health insurance, car insurance, home owners or renters insurance and all of that, but what about insuring your income? Many people don’t consider insuring income for those times when they have to take time off work because of an illness or injury and the sick or personal…

What are the chances?

“This whole insurance thing is just a way to separate me from my paycheck. The chances of me being disabled or having a critical illness are pretty slim, right?” There are a lot of people who think that way, but the answer isn’t a simple yes or no.  Critical illness can strike anyone as well.…

How can I get medical insurance when I’m between jobs?

“My new job starts in a few weeks, then I have a 90 day probationary period before benefits start. I don’t want to sign up for the Affordable Care Act and purchase my own healthcare when I will have benefits with my new job. Is there an alternative?” Fortunately, there is an alternative. Short Term…

Why do I need Disability Income Protection?

“I thought if I became disabled, Social Security Disability would help me. Why do I need separate Disability Income Insurance?” First, the guidelines for Social Security Disability are pretty strict. You must be unable to do the work you previously did, as well as be unable to adapt to another job in  order to qualify.…

Why should everyone have Critical Illness Insurance?

I take good care of myself, eat right and don’t have a family history of catastrophic illness, do I really need Critical Illness Insurance? The simple answer is, everybody needs Critical Illness coverage. No one is immune to a catastrophic illness. Famed runner Jim Fixx didn’t even know he had coronary artery disease before he…