Why Return of Premium?

Several years ago I worked with a business owner for whom I had great respect. One particular day I was in the office, she came in talking about estate planning and reported that she and her husband had finally decided to sit down together and plan for both their home and business in-case one or…

Hospital bills can threaten your financial health

All it took was a few hours in the emergency department, a chest x-ray and three days as an in-patient with IV antibiotics and steroids to blow my budget out of the water. The deductibles and co-pays for that trip to the hospital took nearly a year to pay off, and several times I received…

Want to take control of your healthcare spending?

Although Monday is the deadline to enroll in a healthcare plan, there are still many people unsure of what to do. High deductible/low premium or low deductible/high premium plans have some of us confused. And, then there are the plans that seem to fit, but then have hidden costs, like a deductible for prescriptions that…

Why is a Return of Premium policy a good idea?

“I thought if I bought a Term Life policy, only my beneficiaries would receive the benefits.” What if you’d been paying into your life insurance policy for 20 years or more and suddenly became ill and unable to work? You’ve paid premiums into the thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, and yet, you…