This is a text message I received from a friend the other day: “My husband just called me. He was moving concrete steps onto our porch and felt a pop in his back and has called EMS to go to the hospital because he can’s stand or really move.” That injury has put a self-employed landscape contractor out of commission for what could be weeks. As of this writing, he is in the process of having an MRI and will likely undergo several costly treatments, and his young family will be out the paychecks they counted on him for.
Unfortunately accidents like that happen every day to people just like you and me. We go to work expecting to be able to provide for our families until we retire, and suddenly we aren’t able to. In the case of my friend, she won’t know for days or possibly weeks when her husband will be able to go back to work, and until that happens they are out of an income. What would happen to your family if that were to happen?
Most people can manage without one paycheck, but when the expenses start to pile up and the paychecks have stopped and disability doesn’t pay enough, or anything at all, the savings and college funds are effected, as are the essentials of life. An accident or illness doesn’t have to derail your plans to retire on time with the nest-egg you have worked so hard for. With the Right Start Plan from AC Financial you can continue to pay your bills on time even if you haven’t got the paychecks coming in. It is income protection to get you started on the road to recovery.
Call your AC Financial Adviser at 877-435-2283 to find out more about the Right Start Plan through AC Financial. This plan offers options to protect you and your income to give you the peace of mind you need so that if the unexpected should happen. The plan is affordable and flexible, based on the size of your family and your needs.