For most of my adult life I’ve managed bi-annual dental visits and made sure my children started seeing the dentist early as well. It wasn’t until I took my daughter for braces that I found out the real benefit of those twice yearly visits. In that visit to the orthodontist, he explained much more about what goes on in the mouth than I’d known before.
He told us that the mouth is the first place catastrophic illnesses start to show up. Diabetes, heart disease and stroke can often be detected by a dental care professional before you go to your primary care physician, especially those who don’t tend to visit their physician on a regular basis. It’s been found that the health of your mouth mirrors the health of your body, and those trips to the dentist for x-rays and cleanings can detect or even prevent certain diseases.
Dental care is a costly expense though, and many people don’t have the benefit of dental coverage with their healthcare insurance. Optional dental coverage pays cash benefits to you or your family members so you can receive the dental care you need. The policy is separate from any medical care coverage plan, so you keep it even if you decide to change your healthcare coverage. You also have the ability to choose any dentist without network restrictions.
Preventive care of your teeth gives you the best chance of preventing gum disease, tooth loss and oral issues, but it also helps your dental professional diagnose and help you get treatment for potentially life threatening diseases. Without regular dental check-ups, heart disease, digestive problems and even some cancers can go undetected until it is too late. With optional dental coverage you receive cash benefits to help pay for both preventative care and treatment. At the same time, your dentist may save you from a catastrophic illness.
Keep your bright smile and lead a healthier happier life. Call your AC Financial Adviser 877-435-2283 to talk about optional dental coverage.