When my father-in-law was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes over 40 years ago he expected to live to be about 55-years old. He resigned himself to the fact that, like his father he’d be blind and lose his limbs to the disease, and it would take him at a young age. Thanks to advances in medications and treatments, he lived much longer. Complications of the disease were costly, though. Heart disease took its toll, as did the retinopathy among other things. Like most people he hadn’t planned to become ill at the age of 35, nor did he plan to have to take an early disability retirement because of it.
Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of disability in America. How often to you hear of someone who was at the top of their game one day and suddenly they’re hit with the news they’ve got cancer the next? The chances are you know of several. Of course it can’t happen to you, or me right? Want to bet? Personally, I know of too many people, even recently who visited their physician with seemingly benign aches and pains, only to find they were headed to the Oncologist. I may not have much, but what I have is worth protecting.
With a Individual Disability Income Insurance you have the peace of mind that if you are diagnosed with a cronic illness your income is safe, and your family is provided for. The policy gives you a financial plan in the event you become disabled and can’t work that is guaranteed even if Social Security Disability turns you down.
The policy also has added enhancements that help make living with your situation a lot easier. You can even return to work part time and receive 50 percent of the policy monthly payments for up to six months. If you’re unable to return to work and have been disabled for 90 days, you can have your premiums waived for as long as you are totally disabled. There are also enhancements to help make modifications to your home for easier access, and to allow you access to vocational rehabilitation to help you return to work.
What if you don’t survive? If you’ve been on disability for 12 months and die, your beneficiary receives a lump sum of six times your monthly benefit amount. The survivor benefit is another benefit that gives you peace of mind that your life’s savings won’t disappear with a critical illness.
Call an AC Financial adviser at 800-546-3136 to talk about Individual Disability Income Insurance and many other optional riders available.