There is a lot of information and misinformation swirling around about the “Affordable Healthcare Act,” which is due to go into effect on January 1st. Even if there were enough time to answer all of the questions people had about their health care insurance, there may not be a good answer. The Affordable Healthcare Act, also known as Obamacare, will give everyone the opportunity to have health insurance coverage beginning January 1, 2014. Even though the subject is brought up in the media constantly, there are questions that are not being answered, or answered clearly.
Along with the question of whether or not they will be able to keep their physician, a number of people are asking about pre-existing conditions. The simple answer is, there will no longer be any such thing. You will not be turned down for healthcare because you are already being treated for any illness. The reality is, just because you are already sick, you cannot be turned down for health insurance. Wading through the information about healthcare reform can even make that seem confusing.
At AC Financial Group, our purpose is to make sure you get the answers to your questions and get what you need, so when circumstances arise you are prepared. We work with a family of medical insurers we trust to provide the coverage you need. Call our office at (877) 435-2283 and talk to us about the changes coming in healthcare reform. We understand the complexities and recognize there will be misunderstandings about many aspects of your coverage and we want to help guide you through the process.
AC Financial Group provides the best value in insurance protection and wealth accumulation options offering you medical, critical illness, disability income and life insurance. Open enrollment for health insurance begins October 1st, and we offer several plans to meet your needs. To get started with your health insurance enrollment process, visit our website at The links on this page will help get your questions answered quickly, and get you in touch with the right professional to help you make the best decision for your health care investment.