What are the chances?

“This whole insurance thing is just a way to separate me from my paycheck. The chances of me being disabled or having a critical illness are pretty slim, right?” There are a lot of people who think that way, but the answer isn’t a simple yes or no.  Critical illness can strike anyone as well.…

Peace of mind to help keep employees focused

“We’re a small company with only a handful of employees. We can’t afford to provide them benefits, but we’d like to offer them something. What can we do?” At Work Advantage is perfect for situations like yours. There is no cost to you as the employer, but the Voluntary Benefits provide a portfolio of insurances…

What’s the benefit of Whole Life Insurance?

“I’m trying to decide whether to purchase Term Life or Whole Life and can’t make up my mind. What is the biggest difference?” The biggest difference is that a Whole Life policy actually earns you money over the life of the policy. Term Life won’t. When my parents had me and my siblings purchase Whole…

All term life policies are the same – right?

Not exactly. Term Life Insurance is designed to provide for your loved ones in the event of your premature death, but NonMed Term 350 gives you more options than just to purchase a policy for a set amount. Unlike other term life policies, NonMed Term 350 can also be converted to permanent insurance, and includes an…