All term life policies are the same – right?

Not exactly. Term Life Insurance is designed to provide for your loved ones in the event of your premature death, but NonMed Term 350 gives you more options than just to purchase a policy for a set amount. Unlike other term life policies, NonMed Term 350 can also be converted to permanent insurance, and includes an…

Hospital bills can threaten your financial health

All it took was a few hours in the emergency department, a chest x-ray and three days as an in-patient with IV antibiotics and steroids to blow my budget out of the water. The deductibles and co-pays for that trip to the hospital took nearly a year to pay off, and several times I received…

Be prepared for when accidents happen

It’s the start of little league baseball season, and time to start those DIY home improvement projects. Things are starting to happen in the great out-of-doors as the temperatures start to rise. With those outdoor activities come a lot more opportunities for the unexpected trip to the emergency room. No one likes to think it…