Want to take control of your healthcare spending?

Although Monday is the deadline to enroll in a healthcare plan, there are still many people unsure of what to do. High deductible/low premium or low deductible/high premium plans have some of us confused. And, then there are the plans that seem to fit, but then have hidden costs, like a deductible for prescriptions that…

How can I get medical insurance when I’m between jobs?

“My new job starts in a few weeks, then I have a 90 day probationary period before benefits start. I don’t want to sign up for the Affordable Care Act and purchase my own healthcare when I will have benefits with my new job. Is there an alternative?” Fortunately, there is an alternative. Short Term…

My insurance didn’t cover everything

That’s the problem with most insurance programs. They don’t cover everything. With employee sponsored health insurance programs, there are either high deductibles and lower co-pays, or lower deductibles with higher co-pays. There are often few or no options for employer sponsored critical illness, accident or long term disability; and what if you are hospitalized? The…